Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leopoldi Stingrays

I had a request to put up some information on leopoldi stingrays. Leopoldi stingrays are not recommended for beginner stingray keepers mainly because of their price. Due to the ban on export of stingrays from Brazil the price of leopoldi stingrays and other black stingrays has sky rocketed within the past few years. However black stingrays are in my opinion and many others the nicest of all stingrays, they are near impossible to aquire. They reach an adult size of 30" and a tank of at least 8'x4' is required to house full grown stingrays. A 6'x2' tank would make a good temporary grow out tank for these stingrays. A leopoldi's color and pattern intensifes as it gets older.
Young leopoldis:
Older leopoldi pictured in front:


Unknown said...

Hi , I have 2 motoro and 1 teacup. I'm looking for 1 of Black and 1 of marble . Can u help me can fine the store that they sale those for good price? Thanks

David said...

Buylivefish.com a great sorce for all kinds of rays even if you dont see one on line give them a call they will proboably be able to get it in for u really cheep and they have great quality aswell.

Anonymous said...

How big do teacups get?