Tuesday, June 24, 2008

motoro stingrays

hello everybody,
I thought that I would post some more information on the motoro stingrays that I talked about in the first post. Motoro stingrays, along with retics are the stingrays that are most available. If you have the space to accomodate a full grown motoro then these are great rays for you. They are hardy, easily available(as far as stingrays go), known to be easy to get eating and they come in many variations and cool patterns. Some of the motoro variations include marbled motoro, chain link motoro, triple spot motoro and blue motoro. Blue motoros lose their color as they age. If cared for properly, stingrays can be expected to live for about 15 years. Smaller motoros can be kept in standard 180 gallon tanks(6'x2'x2') as a "grow-out" tank and can be moved to larger tanks eventually into ponds as they get older. The minimum size tank for a full grown motoro should have a footprint of at least 8'x4'. A full grown motoro will make that tank look small considering that they can grow to have a disk of 30"+ and that is not including the tail. Something 10'x6' would be a lot better. When you purchase a motoro stingray(or any stingray) make sure that you will be able to upgrade the tank because stingrays do grow and quick. A well feed motoro should outgrow a standard 180 gallon in about 1.5 years. As stated in the first post, a pond is much better for stingrays because it allows the stingrays to have a larger footprint. A tank 18" deep will be fine for most stingrays. Try to put minimal decor in a stingray tank to allow for maximum swimming space.

Pictures(none of the pictures below are of my stingrays):

common motoro
chainlink motoro
blue motoro(you can see the blue around the edges of the disk)

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